The Stats
Did you know that testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 15-35? Not many guys know about this, and even less check their balls regularly for any lumps or bumps
The lifetime risk to develop testicular cancer is 1 in 200 (0.5%), and the incidence has steadily risen over the past decades.
In Malta 10-18 new patients are diagnosed every year. Last year one patient in Malta died from testicular cancer. He was not even 24 years old.
Testicular cancer is most common in Europe and North America, and more common in Caucasians.
Take Control!
Self exam is the number one life saving factor when it comes to testicular cancer. If diagnosed early it has a cure rate of almost 99%. And access is easy, so there are no excuses!
If left untreated survival chances can drop to as little as 50-60% in cases presenting in late stages of the disease. It’s time to take matters into your own hands!
Contrary to common belief the loss of one testicle does not alter potency or fertility. So, go on guys, Check’em!!
What should you look out for?
Typical symptoms include:
A lump or irregularity in one of the testicles;
A dull ache;
A change in consistency.
Check the ballpark once a month after a warm bath or shower and be sure to seek medical advice if anything seems off.
To make it easier for you and so you don’t forget we have designed these shower stickers for you. Simply stick on and follow these steps:

To make it easier for you and so you don’t forget we have designed these shower stickers for you.
You can come and grab one of these shower stickers and support us during our event this Saturday at Piazza Tigné 3pm onwards. Help us raise awareness and learn a thing or two about testicular cancer.
Love Thy Balls