Mr Natty | Shipwreck Soap


It’s called Shipwreck Soap for a reason: should you find yourself all washed up with just this bar (unlikely, but stay with us), it will double up nicely as a handy shampoo, shaving soap & deo stick. Truly an ‘emergency’ soap (we trust you won’t need it to wash your mouth out).

  • Handmade and traditionally cold-pressed (steeped for a month).
  • Infused with Vetiver, Patchouli and a smidgeon of Cocoa.
  • Naturally glycerin based

Scent: Vetiver, Patchouli and Cocoa
Size: 120g



Mr Natty’s Shipwreck Soap is hand-made and traditionally cold-pressed. This means it is steeped for a month to get it just how we like it. We have it infused with vetiver (a classic men’s scent) patchouli and a smidgeon of cocoa. Should you find yourself far from your manor, this trusty bar won’t let you down. Pop it in your kit bag and remember: clean both your port and starboard and never neglect below the decks.

It’s called Shipwreck Soap for a reason: should you find yourself all washed up with just this bar in your possession (unlikely, but stay with us), it will double up nicely as a deodorant stick. This is because it is naturally glycerin based and will not act as an irritant to your, ahem, pits. It’s also handy as a shampoo and a shaving soap. Truly an ‘emergency’ soap (we trust you won’t need it to wash your mouth out).

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