To shave or not to shave that is the question
Well… Hamlet did not put his existential dilemma exactly in those words, but that doesn’t mean it never crossed his mind irrespective of his actual age (in other words depending which side of the academic dilemma on his age one opts for whether he was 16 or 30)… After all depending on the image of Hamlet one has in mind he was either clean shaven, or bearing a well trimmed ‘chops, tache and flavour savour’ mustache.
Most men face that dilemma every day… generally being wary that the decision may well mean a good dose of itching, a few nicks and cuts, not to say anything about her comments on the not so clean shaves!
A lot depends on one’s choice of the tool for the daily grooming and shaving routine, in particular whether the chosen razor is actually the best for them. A key choice is whether one should go for an electric razor or a manual one.
Electric Razors
Electric razors have one key advantage… they’re fast, and in appearance more economical. After all, at first sight, one has only to buy the razor and use it on a daily basis at a recurrent cost of only a few cents of electricity. There is no need to set up what is required, no shaving foam/cream to apply, and barely any cleaning… just wake up in the morning, get the razor, shave, and you’re done. Additionally, electric razors quite often have trimmers which makes it easier to line one’s beard as well as hair edges. of course one has to do with shaves which are not as close/clean as one would wish them to be, in other words it is practically impossible to get a smooth shaved look. Depending on the type of electric razor, one either needs a source of electricity nearby or at an arms length just in case the battery falls flat. Nicks and cuts may be fewer, but irritation tends to be more frequent and more severe especially for those who suffer from acne.
Manual Razors
Manual razors main advantage is the quality of the shave… they give a much closer shave than any electric razor can aspire. Besides a single shave lasts for longer… Of course one needs to get used to it, and at first there is the risk of a cut or two. On the down side, one needs to do some preparation, that is apply some shaving foam/gel and possibly some form of pre shave oil. While this may take that extra minute (not much longer actually once you get the feel of it), it is generally worth… Another positive is the effect on the skin… both the pre-shaving oil (such as MeninMalta’s Mr Nutty shave oil, as well as the shaving foam/gel (well MeninMalta has a full range of these such as Recipe For Men Clear Shaving Gel, Recipie Ultra Sensitive Shaving Foam, Anatomical’s Shaving Cream,Anatomical’s Shaving Gel And Comfort Zone Man Space Shave Performer ) have that extra ingredient which facilitate the perfect shave, as well as help avoid irritation, provide the necessary moisture to the skin and so on and so forth. Eh… yes than there is the extra knowledge that by manual shaving one would be doing it the traditional way… and there’s nothing better to boost one’s morning than the knowledge that you’re shaving like a real man…
In a nutshell… unless you’re really in a hurry there’s nothing like a shaving with a manual razor… of course there are various on the market… but then, nothing is like the The Bluebeards Revenge Scimitar Double Edge Razor or the Bluebeards Revenge Cut Throat Shavette Razor to provide a clean shave as close as it can be… knowing that you’re doing it the proper manly way.